
What Is A Call To Action In Writing Examples

Should I stay or should I go—

Is the last thing you want running through your customer's head when they first visit your website.

Luckily, a well-crafted welcome message will help you avoid this clash of expectations.

In fact, it can help you with sooo much more than this.

In this article:

  • 10 best welcome messages for customers
  • How to write a greeting message for business
  • How to use them effectively for various scenarios
  • Text versions you can adapt for your purposes quickly

Personalize a message template and let the chatbot do the rest

Set up a welcome message bot that greets every website or Facebook page visitor. It's easier than you think.

Try Welcome Message Bot

[Tidio] is easy to integrate on any website [. . .] Its chatbots can [. . .] welcome site visitors, reply to their questions and encourage them to take some actions.

Ultimate live chat and chatbot system for any website

G2 Tidio Review by Nabin P.

If you want to jump straight to the welcome message templates and examples, click on the goal you'd like to achieve. To learn more about the value of welcome messages, scroll down and read on.

  1. Propose value
  2. Offer a welcome gift
  3. Call to action
  4. Generate leads
  5. Ask for feedback
  6. Use humor to boost engagement
  7. Offer help in an online store
  8. Direct to valuable resources
  9. Engage returning customers
  10. Explain the rules

What Is a Welcome Message and Why Does It Even Matter?

Welcome messages have something in common with paper clips—their names are pretty much self-explanatory, aren't they.

But there's more—

While most people know that a paper clip… clips paper, few realize you can use it to pick a lock, fix a zipper, or hack a phone stand to name but a few.

The same is true about welcome messages.

Most people use them to just say hello. But a welcome message can serve other purposes too. "Like what," you ask? Like:

  • Generate quality leads
  • Move customers down the sales funnel
  • Turn a new user into your brand ambassador on day one

In short, there's more to a welcome message than meets the eye. And this is exactly what we'll be exploring.

Welcome messages can be set up in multiple ways and sent through different channels. For example, the picture below shows how to set up a greeting message in WhatsApp Business.

Automatic greeting message in WhatsApp Business example

And one more thing.

You should definitely cover instant messaging and live chat. But your email communication can also benefit from a good greeting email.

Welcome email messages are arguably the most important messages in professional email marketing campaigns. Their open rates are 2–3 times higher than any other message.

In other words, they're your best chance to make a good first impression. And you won't get another one.

Email open rates by email type infographic

Without further ado, let's jump into the examples.

Best Welcome Message Examples

Welcome messages can help you accomplish one (or several) of the goals listed below. Explore the examples to see how others do it effectively, get inspired, and draft your own welcome message in no time.

If you see a welcome message you like but don't want to use it word for word, there are many tools that can help you out. For example, you can use QuillBot for paraphrasing or InstaTex for style adjustments.

1. Propose Value

A welcome message example from Tidio

The ultimate goal of all welcome messages is to convince your customers to make the best choice. Here is an onboarding welcome email from Tidio. It's simple and highlights some of the most important things you can do with the app.

Copy this welcome message and use it for your purposes:

Hi there!
My name is [name] and I am very happy to welcome you on board with [Company]!
You joined thousands of [user's persona profession] who are already skyrocketing their sales with [Company] by:
[Benefit 1] [Benefit 2] [Benefit 3]
There's just one more tiny step you need to take to achieve all these amazing things:
[CTA that activates the customer]

Want to make your welcome messages effective

Show the most important benefits of using your product.
Remind your users why they decided to sign up and how you can help them achieve their goals.

Take your welcome message game to the next level by addressing people by their names. Most of the time, it draws their attention and strokes their egos. Plus, research shows that 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase after receiving personalized emails.

2. Offer a Welcome Gift

A welcome message example from Sleeknote

To paraphrase a song by Madonna: Some brands romance, some brands slow dance—that's alright with me. But if they can't raise my interest, then I have to let them be. Madonna is a material girl and so are most of your customers. What they'd like your company to show them is some tangible love. Or at least something valuable they can get for free.

The welcome message from Sleeknote informs the customers they get free access to the resource library. It does make a difference.

Copy this welcome message and use it for your purposes:

Hi there!
Welcome to the [Company] Family!
I am glad that you are reading this email. I will be happy to help you grow your business.
As a thank you for joining us, I would like to give you a gift.
Get [link to some free resources] now!
You will find there [useful thing #1], [useful thing #2], and my personal favorite—[useful thing #3].

Why do welcome gifts work?

When somebody says that they are happy to have you onboard it is fine. But when somebody gives you a welcome gift, you know that they care.

3. Call to Action

A welcome message example from BandLab

The welcome message example above has only one button. It prompts the recipients to do a single thing—start using the app. It makes perfect sense. Since welcome messages have a 4x higher click-through rate, why not try to make that click matter?

Copy this welcome message and use it for your purposes:

Welcome To [Company]
Your World Of [Niche] Awaits
We're so glad you're here! You are now part of a growing community of [professionals] creating, collaborating, and connecting across the globe via [Company's tool].
Whether you've joined to create [something of your own] or just to connect with [other professionals], we've got something for you.
Let's go!

How to encourage email recipients to do anything instantly?

If you want your welcome message to act in a specific way, prompt them to do so with a simple call to action, such as a button.

The more call-to-actions you have, the weaker they become. If you really need somebody to perform something complex, create a chatbot instead. Multiple-choice options work better with conversational interfaces.

4. Generate Leads

A welcome message example from MyFlooring

Here is an example of a chatbot that greets newcomers and offers a free sample of a product. You can think about it as a virtual assistant that would normally offer free samples in a regular store. Or say "Hi, how can I help you?" to customers.

To get the best results, you need to customize welcome messages. Almost 62% of the most effective lead generation chatbots had unique messages.

If you feel like testing a chatbot on your website, set up a free Tidio account and learn how to make your own chatbot.

Copy this welcome message and use it for your purposes:

Hi there! 👋 Want a free sample of [product]?
Yes, please! No, thanks.

Alternative lead generation greeting messages for online stores:

  • Hi there! Nice to see you. We have a 15% promo code for new customers! Would you like to get yours now?
  • Welcome to [Company]. We offer the best [product]. Would you like a one-time 20% discount?
  • Hey! Glad to see you! We have a 10% promo code for new customers! Would you like to get it now?

How to welcome visitors on autopilot and collect emails?

Set up a chatbot that sends an automatic welcome message on your website. Many people will reply and leave their emails—you can use them later on in your email campaigns.

A infographic comparing number of leads generated with default vs custom chatbot welcome message

Read more: Chatbot Statistics and Trends You Need to Know in 2021

5. Ask for Feedback

A welcome message example from Dreamdata

Signing up or clicking a button is not a real connection. Not yet. Your customers interact with your website or app but not with any person in particular. Unless you reach out.

One of the best ways to onboard and activate users is to ask them direct questions. This sends a very good message—that you are interested in what they have to say. When they realize that they can connect with you directly, it opens up new opportunities. It becomes a conversation and helps to build a relationship with customers. This is how customer feedback loops work.

Copy this welcome message and use it for your purposes:

Thank you for signing up for our newsletter. We appreciate your interest.
We will do our best to notify you about [interesting and useful resources].
May we kindly ask you where you heard about [Company]?

Why do marketers care so much about customer feedback?

Connecting with customers and listening to their requests is essential for modern businesses. Show that you care right from the very first welcome email to boost customer retention.

6. Use Humor to Boost Engagement

An example of a welcome message from Pooch Bandana

Laughter is a powerful weapon. It can show that your company is a friendly place with a positive attitude. Humor is also an excellent way to grab the attention of website visitors. With chatbots, you can send funny welcome messages like this to encourage communication.

A bit of such humor can give your business more personality and entertain customers. For example, Pooch Bandana has a welcome message bot that is funny and relevant to its products.

Copy this welcome message and use it for your purposes:

[Unusual way to say hello]
My name is [Company's mascot] and I'm [funny job title] at [Company]. Tell me how we can help you.

Is using funny welcome messages alright?

In most cases, it can ease the onboarding process. But humor can be tricky—make sure not to offend anyone.

7. Offer Help in an Online Store

A snapshot of a welcome message in Tidio chat with useful links

Imagine you are browsing smartphones in a store with electronics. There are no other customers. You have been doing it for 10 minutes at least. And you can't decide. Then, a store employee walks up to you and says:

Welcome to our store…

And immediately walks away.

There is something wrong with that picture, right? Well, the most natural thing for a store assistant to say would be: "Can I help you with anything?"

There is no point in saying "welcome to our store" or "welcome to my page" without telling anything more about it. Or better yet, offering to help. This applies to online stores too! Take a look at this message from an eCommerce chatbot.

This online store welcome message is the most universal one. It covers frequent questions from customers and builds trust. Nowadays, almost 70% of shoppers aged 18–24 prefer using a chat widget to other forms of contact.

Copy this welcome message templates

Hi there! Welcome to our website. Ask us anything.
Hi there! Welcome to [Company]. If you need any assistance, I'm always here.
Welcome to [Company]. If you need any assistance, reply to this message. We are online and ready to help!
Hello there! I am your [shopping assistant/consultant] today and am here to help you. Ask me anything!
Hey there, Welcome to [Company]! My name is [First Name]. Is there anything I can help you with?

Should every online store have a welcome message?

There is no reason not to give it a try. A warm welcome always improves the user experience on your website. Top it with a discount code coupon and you'll always get your user's attention.

8. Direct Users to Valuable Resources

A welcome message example from Figma

In some cases, your product or service may be challenging to use. It may be a good idea for the welcome message to offer manuals and suggest resources. It may not be hip or exciting, but it sure is helpful. And good assistance is all your new users may need.

This onboarding email message from Figma is well-balanced. It mentions the places of interest and allows you to start exploring wherever you like. If you are a B2B company, it is always better to provide some guidance before trying to make a sale.

Copy this welcome message and use it for your purposes:

Welcome to [Company]!
Hooray! You are an official [Company] user now. Here some helpful resources:
[Link to FAQ]: Answers to most of your questions. [Link to your discussion forum]: Chat with other users. [Link to resources]: Our knowledge base. [Link to tutorials]: Learn useful tips & tricks
We hope this is enough to get you started. Let us know if you need any help.

Should I tell customers to start using the tool or read the resources first?

Practice is more important than theory. But if your tool is not very intuitive, make sure to at least mention some of the resources.

9. Engage Returning Customers

Wedding Dresses store's example of a welcome message

If someone comes back to your website, it is a great sign. They know your products or services and are considering a repeat purchase. All they need is a little push. Send a "welcome back" message that offers a discount to close a sale.

Here's an example of a unique welcome back message for customers (courtesy of Midi Bridal).

Changing your welcome messages for returning customers gives you one more advantage. It is yet another way of personalizing customer communication.

Copy this welcome message and use it for your purposes:

Hi there! We missed you and we prepared a little gift for you!
Hi! It's great to see you back! We have a special discount for our returning customers. Are you interested?
Welcome back! Good to see you again. Can we help you with anything?

How to set up an automatic message for returning visitors?

Setting a welcome back message on your website is very easy. All it takes is connecting two nodes. And actually, you don't even have to do that, since you can use a template.

A snapshot of how to set up a message for returning visitors on Tidio's platform

10. Explain the Rules

Lego's welcome message example

Explaining the rules is an important part of customer onboarding. Your welcome messages can clarify what the recipients are entitled to. And under what conditions.

This welcome message example from LEGO explains the difference between different services.

It also tells you you shouldn't reply to the email and contact customer service if you have any questions. If your automated emails get lots of replies that you don't want to handle, you should also consider adding a similar disclaimer.

Copy this welcome message and use it for your purposes:

Welcome to your new [Company] account! We hope you will enjoy it very much!
With your [Company] profile, you will have access to:
Feature #1 Feature #2 Feature #3
If [condition], you can also use [feature #4].
Please do not reply to this email. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team at [link].

Won't this scare new members off?

Today, making things transparent and clear from the start is a good business approach. If something makes your new subscribers less confused, it is a valuable asset. It will pay off in the long run.

What Is the Best Way to Use a Greeting Message for Business?

Saying hi to the same person several times in a row may seem awkward—but only in real life. The rules of the digital world are different.

You don't have to send a welcome message to customers on WhatsApp Business or Facebook exclusively. You can use several options to greet your online store customers and combine them.

Some of the best channels for welcome messages include:

  • Live chat. This is the most natural way to send welcome messages. The sole purpose of live chat is to allow businesses to offer help and connect with visitors fast. If you're still not using it, take a look at how to add live chat to your website.
  • Welcome emails. If you haven't received an email confirmation of something, it feels like it didn't happen at all. That's the world we live in and welcoming customers is no exception. It's a good idea to send emails that go along with all customer-business touchpoints. You can learn how to start an email here.
  • WhatsApp greeting messages. Your WhatsApp business profile is a great place to interact with customers. You can also set up a WhatsApp chatbot to automate your welcome messages.
  • Welcome messages on Facebook. Every business should establish its presence on social media. Their customers are there already. Facebook is a place where people can find your business long before they visit your website. Welcome them when you have an opportunity. If you want to tackle two things at once, consider a Facebook live chat integration.
  • Welcome to our store pages. This is a somewhat old-school approach but it gives you more space to tell your story. A dedicated landing page to greet your customers can work, especially if you are a small business or starting your online store from scratch.

Key Takeaway

Writing memorable welcome messages that make customers feel right at home is an art form. But you can improve the quality of your emails and other messages right now by following some easy rules:

  • Express gratitude and happiness that you can welcome someone
  • Personalize the message by including some details and information about your recipients
  • Show the benefits of joining your organization or choosing your brand
  • Introduce them to the most important resources and tools
  • Be concise and straightforward
  • Offer your help and ask for feedback
  • Explain what will happen and what's the next step
  • Use a clear call to action (for instance, in the form of a button)
  • Remember to make your messages visually attractive

Do you want to access some beautiful onboarding email templates or add welcome message chatbots on your website? There is an easy free tool that you can use for that.

Provide 24/7 customer service even when you sleep.

Create unlimited chatbots for your website without coding to engage more visitors.

Learn About Chatbots

What Is A Call To Action In Writing Examples


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